Thursday, August 2, 2012

She sits!


Hey, leave me alone.  I'm studying

Family reunion

Each year we have a family reunion with a whole bunch of people I don't know.  Nicky had fun this year and walked around with all those people with no anxiety at all.
Some watermelon with Uncle Jeff

Nicky knew who to go to for more food

smile boys



Remember this guy from last's a tradition now

We're going to the zoo!

We took a trip to Grammy's house and decided to stop by Jack's house while we were there...the Columbus zoo!  Before we went, we stopped by the park, sissy slept, but Nick had a good time:

Then it was off to the Zoo:

Checking out some reindeer

New polar bear enclosure

Are there any in there?

Just hanging out

Hey buddy, jump in the water

The fish were one of his favorites
Wake up bear!


Move outta my way people!

Hey, where's the animals?

Nice booger pick

Turtles are his second favorite

Knocked out before we left the parking lot

She was sleepy too
Thanks grammy for a fun trip to the zoo!