Sunday, November 21, 2010


Today we got our new baby furniture.  We got some great deals and spent less money on more furniture!  I love a good deal.  I'm kicking myself for not getting some great photographic evidence of the all day process it took to actually get the furniture to the house, but I'm pretty sure there would have been several people very angry.  Here is the unpacking:
 Boxes and styrofoam everywhere!  I'll be finding little foam pieces for months.
Keep up the good work Daddy!
 I swear I helped too, I was just the one with the camera.
 Dresser and changing table 

Now we just need to add all the stuff....and of course a baby!

Thanks Daddy for putting together the crib, and for the heavy lifting.

Thanks Grandma Monica for coming with us and for the new swing.  I put it together but forgot to get a picture.

Thanks Grandpa Mike for the use of your big truck, and for running down here at the last minute.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

28 weeks, 3 Days

 Here is the latest belly picture: