Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just Hangin

Nicky is getting so much better with his baby sister. He has gotten more gentle. A little set back, he demands a paci whenever sissy has one. He used to only take his paci at nap and bed, but now he wants it all day or he is going to take his sister's.
Nice touches

Holding hands

Watching TV


Best Buds


Nick has gotten into a rotten stage.  He is just crazy all through the house.  My proof:

Exhibit A:

He is playing with the breast pump and has a tube of nipple cream in his mouth. He thinks he is awesome for doing this.

Exhibit B:
 Sliding door all the way open.  I went downstairs to get a broom, Nick had walked out the door and left it open just a crack.  It's a heavy door.  I heard the door open and assumed it was Nick.  Then I heard Nick walk through the front door.  Who opened the sliding door all the way???  Hint: It wasn't Alyssa.  Luckily I found him just sitting there at the edge looking outside.  I was expecting to see him playing in the creek.

Exhibit C:
 Empty pop tart wrapper under the dining room table. (Ignore the flip flop, I don't know how that got there either...it's winter) I heard Nick playing in the snack cupboard which isn't a problem because he just likes to dump things out of boxes.  Then I heard Nicky and Charlie go into the dining room, which I didn't think anything of because he likes to play with the bibs on his high chair. Then I heard a naughty giggle, followed by yummy munching sounds.  I walked in to find Nicky and Charlie hiding under the table, finishing off the bag of poptarts. No idea how they got it open, but by the cherry residue on both their faces, they enjoyed it.  How does a 1 year old know to hide when he is doing something wrong??? 

Exhibit D:

 Climbing on top of tables.  He used the laundry basket to give him a boost. 

Exhibit E:
Now he loves to open all drawers and has found all of the end table drawers.  This one had a $2 bill in it.

After so much naughtiness, you have to get a bath:

And a nap:

 And finally you need to run off some energy:
"Hey ladies, going my way?"

Still working on stearing

"Look out world"

"See ya!"
 Love those car pics.  He just takes off and knows how to work the car all the way down the sidewalk. Such a big boy. Here's a few more silly pics of my sweet little angel boy.
"Please! No pictures"


Monday, February 20, 2012


"Someone take her"

"What is my brother wearing?"

"Seriously Lyss, just smile and this will all be over soon"
"Let me get a hit of that paci"

"Seriously stop whining and take it back"

"I didn't do it"  "Yes he did!"

"This is awful"
"Just finish already"

"You might as well learn this now, she doesn't stop until she can blog about it."

"Here sis, I'll take care of you"

Sunday, February 19, 2012


4am? Party time!

Alyssa is adjusting pretty well to home life.  She has insisted on partying all night and sleeping during the day.  12-4am is party time for her and then she decided to sleep in until 10.  She is chugging the milk and every day I have increased it just a little.  Girl loves to eat!

Beauty sleep


Thanks Gram!

Grandma has been staying with us since Alyssa was born.  She has been so much help lifting Nicky when I can't and even taking on the night shift with Alyssa. 

Watching some morning TV
 Thanks for all your help.  You deserve a cruise!