Tuesday, August 24, 2010

16week check up

Doctor's appointment today went well. Everything looks normal.  Heartbeat is good.  I gained 2 1/2 pounds which brings my grand total weight gain to 2 1/2 pounds.  Funny...seems like 50 pounds to me.  But the most important part.....ultrasound is September 9th.  It's the "lets find out what this kid is packing so that I can finally shop for boy or girl attire" ultrasound.  2 weeks to go people and hopefully we will all know what baby Kelley will be.  I'm completely split down the middle between the two.  I like boys because they are less drama, and I like the idea of a big brother taking care of the little sister.  But on the other hand, little girls have so much cuter stuff.  Nick was all about a little girl up until we watched a movie about a teenage girl who had a bad side and got into trouble with an older boyfriend.  Since this movie, I fear he would lock a girl in her room for her entire life and never let her out into the world.  Oh the complications of parenting......

What do you think baby Kelley will be??????

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

In or Out???

Belly buttons completely gross me out.  I am completely disgusted by the look of them and absolutely cringe when my navel is touched.  Already the look of my belly button has changed.  It is widening and starting to stick out more and more.  Here is what the research says:

What causes a protruding navel during pregnancy: Your rapidly expanding uterus pushes your abdomen forward, making your belly button pop out like the timer on a well-cooked turkey.

Really a turkey?
Not only do these books compare your baby to every fruit and vegetable, now they've ruined turkey for me.

Here is what we can look forward to in the months to come:

Eww I'm completely grossed out!
When talking to others about my weird belly button issues, most told me I was a freak and no one else on the planet has an issue with belly buttons but me.  So it made me ask: Why am I so disgusted and freaked out by belly buttons??  For this I blame my father.  He used to chase me around the house with one of these:

 All you Bowden children know what happens next.  If he unscrews your belly button your butt will fall off!!!! It really happens, or so I was told every day. I truly attribute my dislike of belly buttons to the childhood fear of my butt falling off.  So there you have it folks, to sum up a very lengthy rant:

Belly Buttons = Gross
Your butt staying on = Priceless

Sunday, August 15, 2010

15 Weeks, 2 Days

Ok i'm not shy. For those of you that don't want to be disgusted by stomach pictures...do not read on.  For everyone else, here is the first belly picture at 15 weeks 2 days:
 Starting to pop out a bit.  I know it's not that bad, but I feel huge already.  I mean here I was before:
Is anyone buying this?  No??  Ok. So this isn't really a picture of me before baby belly. A girl can dream.  Happy crunches ladies!

P.S.: Someone remind me next time not to wear yellow.  It completely washes me out and I look like a pregnant ghost.


Preggo...It's in there

So as I'm sure all of you that are reading this know....I'm pregnant with our first baby.  Nick and I decided that we were mature enough ready to start a family and we blinked, then....
 BAM!!! Pregnant.  (Ignore the dirty countertop)

Here are some updates to get you all up to date:

Our first ultrasound went well. Little poppyseed did a little dance for us so we could see him move.  Doctor says everything looks great and heartbeat is nice and strong.  Here is the first pic at 9 weeks 6 days:

It's a little fuzzy but you can definitely see a baby there.

I've been feeling pretty good.  A little tired but at least i'm not puking everywhere.  Here are my current favorite cravings (in case anyone wants to drop by with a care package :) )
Spinach Dip
Plain potato chips (especially with ridges)
Soup, Yep soup.  In the middle of summer.
Deli meats (mostly because i'm not supposed to have it)

First belly pic to come soon!...dun dun dunnnnn



Hello all!  Welcome to the Kelley blog.  We started this blog to keep all our family and friends from near and far away updated on all the latest news in the Kelley fam.  Happy reading!