Saturday, October 30, 2010

Carpet and Halloween

Here is a picture of our Halloween costume:

This is after a long day and my hoop is a little mangled from kids pulling on it, but I'm a basketball hoop and baby Nick is the basketball!  Completely homemade and I got lots of laughs at work!

Now on to our brand new carpet.  We re-carpeted almost the entire house this week. It's now all dog stain free and ready for a baby to lay on.  Here are some pics:
By the way, check out my sweet painting skills in the baby's room.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Kelly Home Project Extravaganzaa!

It's been extreme home makeover Kelley edition around here lately.  We've decided to take on some home improvement projects before the baby is born.  I hate to spend large amounts of money (it's literally painful for me) but be it hormones, frustration, desperation, or all of the above, I've agreed to several projects.
1. Tree removal.  Nick decided to cut down the tree in the front yard that spits leaves from October through May and then starts all over again. I'm kicking myself for not getting any pictures of the process, but I was scared.  Because this guy:
 Combined with one of these:
Could be quite terrifying.  I had the fire department on standby. But he did good and got the entire neighborhood involved and the tree was down and cleared today in just a few hours...Check.

2.  Carpet.  New carpet for 90% of the house will be installed on Wednesday.....Check.

3.  Baby's room.  Here is the room before:
As you can see, we really never used this room.

 Can you guess what color scheme we are going with?  I painted the entire room today, but no sneak peaks until it's done....which should be sometime within the next 3 months :)

This pic is for mom.  She wanted a full shot that's, "Not just a close up of a stomach!"  Please ignore the bags under my eyes and the hair that's a mess.  This was after an 11 hour work day.  I thought I was going to give birth right there if Nick didn't hurry up and take that picture so that I could sit down.

That's the updates for now.  I'll post fabulous before and after carpet pictures after Wednesday. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Fall is my favorite season, and Halloween is one of my fav. holidays.  I've already been thinking about baby Nick's costume for next year.  But in the meantime, I have no other choice but to torture Charlie.  So the question is, what will he be this year????  A friend from Nick's work had a couple old costumes that she gave us.  One was a rooster.  So we decided to play fashion show:
He was totally ticked the entire time.  This is what happened when we took the costume off:
 Complete refusal to look at me.
    "Mom, I will pee on all your curtains if you put that on me again."
Just wait until I can cordinate his costumes with the baby's.  Muh ha ha ha ha!! 

23 Weeks, 2 days

Here we go!  Updated belly shot

Friday, October 1, 2010


Congratulations to Shannon, Nic and big sister Reagan on the arrival of little Liam!!!  Baby Nick is literally kicking with excitement over his new best bud!