Sunday, October 10, 2010


Fall is my favorite season, and Halloween is one of my fav. holidays.  I've already been thinking about baby Nick's costume for next year.  But in the meantime, I have no other choice but to torture Charlie.  So the question is, what will he be this year????  A friend from Nick's work had a couple old costumes that she gave us.  One was a rooster.  So we decided to play fashion show:
He was totally ticked the entire time.  This is what happened when we took the costume off:
 Complete refusal to look at me.
    "Mom, I will pee on all your curtains if you put that on me again."
Just wait until I can cordinate his costumes with the baby's.  Muh ha ha ha ha!! 

1 comment:

  1. Charlie you can come live with grandma bowden!
