Saturday, April 23, 2011

Here comes Nicky Cottontale

The Easter Bunny came early and brought us a package:
 Are you thinking what I'm thinking??? Baby photo shoot!!!!!

I really thought he was going to fit in this basket but he was actually too big. Finally something he is too big for!  Put that in the baby book.

Happy Easter!!!

Also, What is with the weather?!!?  So much for downpours all was gorgeous!!!  No coat, hat, and sunscreen...yes please!

Care Package!!!

Friday Nicky got a package in the mail.  An Easter present from Grandma and Grandpa Bowden.  He was really excited to open it.
"Woa, what's in there?

"Check out my loot"

"I LOVe loud toys! Play it again and again and again and again......."
 His favorite part was cardboard wrapping that pajamas came in because he could scratch the box and make noise.  I cut his nails all the way down but he digs into things to scratch.  The other day i was in the car and hear a scratching like mice in your attic.  After realizing that mice in the car is a long shot, I figured out that it was Nick in the back seat scratching the side of his car seat.  Crazy kid!

I found this hilarious:
SPF 70!!!  We're obviously very pale.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!!!!

Baby boot camp

So my spoiled rotten child will not allow me to leave his side.  This week I have been putting him through a boot camp and leaving him alone when he really doesn't need anything.  Changed, fed, played with.....then it's alone time.  I finally had a mini breakthrough! He fell asleep while playing in his bouncy seat without crying.
I took the picture from really far away and zoomed in....I wasn't going to chance it.


Just hangin on the couch with daddy.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Catching up

We've got some catching up to do.....

First a big shout out to my hubby Nick.  Happy 3rd anniversary. I Love You!
Amish Country 2008
Little bubba is growing and learning every day.  His favorite thing is standing.  He loves to stretch and kick his legs.  I caught him sitting up in the swing the other day:
 I guess we are going to have to start buckling him in.
Kisses for Momma

A Moment of Hilarity
We went to a wedding this weekend.  Cousin Colin got married to new cousin Sarah.  It was such a perfect day.  Actually, if you ask Nicky, it was a terrible day.  My January baby had never been hot before and the middle of the afternoon plus 80 degrees = a very unhappy baby.  We left early for the 2 1/2 hour drive and stopped half way to have a bottle.  Here are my boys waiting in the parking lot for Grandma and Grandpa:
 This was the only time that he wore his adorable outfit that we had for him.  He got so hot and bothered that  we finally just stripped him down to his white t-shirt and called it a day.  Here is a little montage of people trying to calm him down:

 After about an hour of trying, Nicky calmed down a little for Aunt Angela.  He just hated the whole wedding experience.  Too hot, lots of people all up in his face, loud noises and was awful.  Luckily once the sun went down and it cooled off a bit, Nicky was a little better outside.  I gave him his last bottle before we left and of course he was giggles and smiles for the last 5 minutes!  Here are some other pictures of the wedding:
Grandad and Aunt Lorraine

The Bride and Groom

Uncle Jeff, Will and Garrett
 Grandad with his Great Grandkids:

A moment of sanity with Grandad......notice how we changed to jammies
 And my all time favorite pictures right now....  Uncle Jeff stole Nicky and walked away.  When I walked outside and saw where they were, I ran in and grabbed Angela and our cameras.  There was such a sweet moment when they didn't know anyone was watching.  I teared up a little:
A Little Quiet Time

Checking out the water
Learning all about the world from Uncle Jeff
 We had a great day,and Nick slept the whole way home.  We walked inside and he was instantly happy to be in his quiet house without all the noises.  We are going to have to practice tolerance to heat for this summer.

Today we broke out some new toys.  Nicky got a dog that you can press the buttons on his body and it tells you the parts (arm, foot, ear) and sings songs.  He was completely into this dog and sat on my  lap for 10 minutes just watching this dog.  Doing anything consistently for 10 minutes is a big accomplishment.

"What is this dog doing?"

"Really?  That's the ear?  Got it! Tell me more!"

"If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet"

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Getting some fresh air! Finally

After snow earlier in the week, we finally were able to spend a few minutes outside today.  We chose to explore the back yard after our walk today.
Enjoying the sunshine with Momma

"Whoa! Look at all that dirt!"

"Wonder what I can find in that creek?"
"Charlie, You and Me. Next year.  It's on!"
 My savings of the day:
 Retail Value: Around $12.00
I paid: $0.28

Nicky is starting to take interest in toys.  He likes to watch when we play with things.  He isn't grasping yet, but if we put something in his hand, he will hold on to it. (mostly because he hasn't figured out how to tell his fingers to let go).
"This is my toy mom! You can't take it away from me!"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Here is how Nicky fell asleep in the car this weekend:
And here are my sweet deals for the week:
Contact solution: paid me $1
Listerine: 87cents each (the yellow ones are for my dad...i know ewww)
Crest mouthwash $2 each ($5 originally)
Colgate toothpaste: paid me 75 cents (I got a second one this morning)
Crest toothpaste: Free
Toothbrushes: Free
Chocolate bunny: 39 cents (I needed it as a filler item)

As you can see we have quite the stockpile of dental care items.  It's just the only thing with good deals right now. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

It's been awhile

Sorry blog friends, it's been awhile since our last post.  I'll try to be a better blogger mommy.

First up: Opening Day!!!  Go Tribe!!!
Nicky's a little worried about the snow flurries that fell on the field this morning, but is ready for baseball season!

 Not much cooperation for this picture... moving on

The progression of a laugh:
Feeling kinda happy.....
 Taking in the happiness....

Nicky got in his first fight yesterday......with his own fingernails.
"You're cruisin for a bruisin!"
We got some sweet shopping deals this week:
Stove Top Stuffing: 27cents each
Halls cough drops: 32cents
Skintimate shave gel: 44cents
Palmolive dish soap: 33 cents
Two tubes of toothpaste, two toothbrushes, and 1 snickers egg (as a filler item) and the grand total.....

Walgreen's owed me a penny!!!  Suckers