Friday, April 1, 2011

It's been awhile

Sorry blog friends, it's been awhile since our last post.  I'll try to be a better blogger mommy.

First up: Opening Day!!!  Go Tribe!!!
Nicky's a little worried about the snow flurries that fell on the field this morning, but is ready for baseball season!

 Not much cooperation for this picture... moving on

The progression of a laugh:
Feeling kinda happy.....
 Taking in the happiness....

Nicky got in his first fight yesterday......with his own fingernails.
"You're cruisin for a bruisin!"
We got some sweet shopping deals this week:
Stove Top Stuffing: 27cents each
Halls cough drops: 32cents
Skintimate shave gel: 44cents
Palmolive dish soap: 33 cents
Two tubes of toothpaste, two toothbrushes, and 1 snickers egg (as a filler item) and the grand total.....

Walgreen's owed me a penny!!!  Suckers

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