Tuesday, June 21, 2011

5 Months

Happy 5month birthday Nicky!!
"Look mom, I've got a foot"
At 5 months:

Can roll over front to back sometimes and back to front all the time

Is crazy for Mangos

Talks himself to sleep (during the day)

Can sit up by himself in the tub, but falls over often on the floor

Is actually starting to enjoy bathtime

Sleeps 10 hours

Is so in love with Charlie (if only Charlie would give him the time of day)

Wears 3-6month clothes (sometimes 3mo. shorts), size 1 shoe, size 2 diaper (3at night), takes 5 or 6 oz, eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I have to post all of this so when I have another kid and I say, "Darn, what was Nick doing at this time?", I can look back and know.

And his new favorite toy is his new car. We picked it up at a yard sale thinking we would store it for awhile.  This kid loves it.  He doesn't fall to the side.  He holds on to the steering wheel with both hands, turns the wheel like he's driving, and even plays with the key like he is starting the car. If you unstrap him, he will stand up still holding the steering wheel and stand perfectly still for almost a minute. He could seriously ride around in this all day.
"Hey Ladies, check out my wheels!"


Thanks Grandpa

Grandpa asked his boss for the day off today (haha) so he could come fix some things around the house.
 Thanks for the help Grandpa!!!

Crazy Deals

Check out my latest deals:
 Retail Value: $61.82
I spent less than $5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New weekend pics

Here are just some pictures to catch you up
We took a little trip down south this weekend. I didn't get many pictures.....again.  Seriously, someone just take my camera and take them for me.
Giving Great Grandad hugs, or licking his shirt.  Probably licking his shirt.

Whatchu kissin Willis? P.S. Willis is more scared of Nicky than Nicky is of Willis.

Sitting on the front porch with Uncle Jeff
 And just to wrap up the weekend....here is crazy Nicky
Maybe this should be the face of the next Gerber baby.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Congratulations cousins John, Brooke and big sister Sylvia on the birth of your twin girls, Clementine and Beatrice.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


We're drowning........in drool!

Nicky has been drooling up a storm, we go through at least 2 shirts a day. I know, I know, put a bib on him.  He rips them right off.  If you've had the pleasure of having your hair pulled by Nicky, you know how strong he is.  He rips those bibs off no matter how strong the velcro.  If anyone is super talented and knows how to make those sweet dish rag bibs with the hold in the middle, it would be greatly appreciated.  Back to the story..... So we have been covered in drool, a little fussy at times, and chewing on everything.  Most would say.....uh oh, he's getting a tooth.  If so, it's the slowest tooth in the world.  I can't feel anything on his gums.  So in the meantime we'll just keep changing shirts.
"Umm icy on the gums"

"Let me get a bite of this chair!"

"What like you've never chewed on a chair?"
 Check out that wet shirt! On a side note, notice the small glass in the background filled with something white. They are napkins. I was feeding Nicky and he grabbed the spoon and made a mess, so I asked Nick to get me a COUPLE NAPKINS.  He heard A CUP OF NAPKINS.  So in he walked with a cup full of napkins.  Yes, dear. That makes sense.  Totally something I would ask for.  The only appropriate place for napkins is in a cup.  We both had a laugh about it.

Happy Birthday Auntie Jess!

A little late, but Happy Birthday to Auntie Jess!!!!
 We went to a cookout this weekend at Grandma and Grandpa Kelley's.  I just realized when I uploaded the pictures that I was really crappy at documenting.  I didn't get many pictures, but here is goes...
Great Uncle John giving a bottle

Grandma playing on the floor

Great Aunt Nancy and cousin Sarah. Nicky must have been telling a joke!

"Woah, there's a lot of people here"

Crackin up Auntie Jess

Hangin with cousin Sarah
We had a good weekend and Nicky is doing so much better with people.  He even took a couple hour nap at Grandma's. Cousin Sylvia can't wait until "baby Nick" is big enough to really play with.  Those two are sure to get into trouble.

Guess what??? This was my 100th post!

My New Toy!

Momma got a new toy in the mail!
 Is it a new tote bag?????

Nope, it's a coupon binder!!!!!!!!  It's a sweet tote that unfolds into a binder for my coupons. It has changed my life! Using coupons in the stores is so much more easy and convenient.  No more shuffling through stacks of coupons while people knock you over in the isles.
I am very OCD about it.  Each category is carefully color coded and each coupon has its own slot.  I have sections for each store coupons and a section for my store loyalty cards and a printed copy of each stores coupon policy. (believe me, I've had to bust it out, employees are idiots. Remind me to tell you about the nasty email I sent to Walgreen's corp. office about their idiot manager.)  I have promptly ran out of sleeves for all of my coupons and can't find them anywhere in the stores. I love my binder and proudly sport in everywhere I go!

In other couponing news....I've told at least 5 people in the past month that they are crazy if they spend a dime on toothpaste.  You can always find free toothpaste.  Here is a prime example.
This coupon is like GOLD to me.  Whenever I get one of these, I hoard them like crazy.  This past week, Giant Eagle has had Colgate toothpaste on sale 2/$3.  That means $1.50 each (you don't have to buy 2 to get the deal).  Giant Eagle also doubles coupons up to 99cents.  That means this coupon is worth $1.50.  That makes TOOTHPASTE FREE!!!!!! Which explains why I now have 11 tubes of toothpaste.  Also, Giant Eagle has this deal like every other week, so you can get it all the time. 
Are you only a fan of Crest?  Well you can also get many toothpastes free at CVS and Walgreens if you use their rewards program. I've even gotten their super fancy stuff for free there.  Plus, I think any brand is good when it tastes free!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What's that noise?

"What's that noise?
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
Nope. It's the Goodyear blimp flying right over our house today.  I had to wait for it to pass the house to take a picture because it was 12:30 and the sun was directly overhead.  Go to school in Kent and then living practically in Akron, I saw the blimp a lot.  Every once in awhile we will see it from afar heading to a Browns game or something else, but flying way high. Today it was right above the tree lines!  It was super close and I think I could have seen the pilot it if tried.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Rollin Rollin Rollin

Nicky started rolling over about 2 days ago.  He slept crazy good one night and in the morning when I went to get him, I found out why.  He spent the night on his belly!  I caught the progression of a roll:
"Hey what's over here?"

"OOOh I'm stuck"
"So close"

 The world of movement is upon us!

Just because:
Silly man! get your shorts off your head

Bubble bath in the big tub.  Note: bumbo chair floats in water...dangerous!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hot mess

It's been so hot lately, we've been eating dinner out on the deck. Why is baby food so messy? Nicky loves to grab the spoon out of my hand and try to feed himself. I've been giving him an extra spoon to hold, but he has learned it is not as fun as the one mom has.
"Gimmie that spoon!"

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"Ha Ha even without a shirt, I'm still creating more laundry."
We definitely hop straight into the tub after dinner.  Nicky also tested out his high chair for the first time.
I had stopped feeding him to take the picture

"mmm, this chair tastes good too!"

Baby's first parade!

Nicky and I took a trip to the Ice Cream Festival and saw his first parade.
Pre parade bottle with Grandma and Aunt Lorraine

The ice cream festival hands out free ice cream before the parade.  Nicky got a nibble of an ice cream sandwich

Checking out the parade

Look at those trucks
 Nicky loved the parade...well most of it.  He smiled and danced to the band.  He was amazed by the big red fire engine.  Then the stupid squad came by and turned on his siren right next to us!  It was over.  It was too loud for me, so you can only imagine how much Nicky hated it.  After a major freak out, he fell asleep for the rest of the parade on grandma's lap.  I didn't get many pictures, but we did stop by Great Grandma's before we left.

Flood..part duex

The rains will not let up, so the creek will not stop flowing.  And by flowing, I mean into our yard.
Almost up to the house

View from the deck

Running along the house and into the street

Me standing in the middle of my yard, calf deep in water
The only good part of this.....the actual creek looks beautiful!

If only we had these views, without the wet yard.  

And just because you can't have a post without a Nick pic....this is where I found him after coming back from the kitchen.  I could hear him, but couldn't find him.  He was completely underneath his stander.
"What!? I just needed a little privacy."

We got cows!....or baby's first tornado

"Mom! There's a storm a brewin!

"Cow!"  "Nother Cow!"  "Nope, same cow."  from one of the best movies, Twister!!!  Made me want to be a storm chaser! Seriously, I wrote a report about it in school. Last week, we had 2 days of tornado sirens.  This is very unusual. I think the last time I heard a tornado siren, when it wasn't a test, was freshman year of college during move in weekend.  We never have tornado warnings up here. I think the lake sucks them up or something.  Growing up in central Ohio, we had at least 3 every spring.  It's so funny to watch people up here freak out during a tornado siren.  Where I'm from, we sit on the front porch and watch it pass.
Clouds rollling in.  They were going really fast.

Poking my head outside for a better view
Hanging in the basement


"Woa, did you hear that thunder?"

And 5 minutes later, blue skies.