Tuesday, June 21, 2011

5 Months

Happy 5month birthday Nicky!!
"Look mom, I've got a foot"
At 5 months:

Can roll over front to back sometimes and back to front all the time

Is crazy for Mangos

Talks himself to sleep (during the day)

Can sit up by himself in the tub, but falls over often on the floor

Is actually starting to enjoy bathtime

Sleeps 10 hours

Is so in love with Charlie (if only Charlie would give him the time of day)

Wears 3-6month clothes (sometimes 3mo. shorts), size 1 shoe, size 2 diaper (3at night), takes 5 or 6 oz, eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I have to post all of this so when I have another kid and I say, "Darn, what was Nick doing at this time?", I can look back and know.

And his new favorite toy is his new car. We picked it up at a yard sale thinking we would store it for awhile.  This kid loves it.  He doesn't fall to the side.  He holds on to the steering wheel with both hands, turns the wheel like he's driving, and even plays with the key like he is starting the car. If you unstrap him, he will stand up still holding the steering wheel and stand perfectly still for almost a minute. He could seriously ride around in this all day.
"Hey Ladies, check out my wheels!"


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