Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day With Gramps

Nicky spent the day hanging out with Grandpa Joe.
First we played some games

I showed Grandpa my new trick of spitting

"What Mom?  I didn't spit at the dinner table this time!"
We chewed on wires fixed some stuff

Practiced walking
Ha a taste of shirt sleeve

Posed for a picture. Nice elmo in the background
And soon it was time to give hugs and say goodbye
 Thanks for the visit Grandpa, and for fixing the air conditioner!

Family Time

We went to a little family reunion this weekend and Nicky was so good.  It's really nice now that he doesn't freak out and is happy all day.  People can just take him and walk away and he is just so curious about everything, he doesn't care.  Nicky walked off with Uncle Jeff and someone came inside and said, "Your son is climbing a tree."  This is what I found:
"Hey mom! No Girls Aloud!"

"Uncle Jeff can help me get to way high places."
"I will rule this place next year when I can run!"
 Later Grandpa took him and came back to find this:
"What?? Grandpa said I could"
 He spent the rest of the day hanging out and drooling on things.  You know, the usual.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

6 months

Happy 6month birthday to my big boy Nicky
 No his face isn't dirty, he had a little incident with his nose and the carpet. 

6month stats:
Sits up very well. 
Eats everything!
Says  "Hi" in a little girly voice.
Kicks his legs like crazy but wont use his arms to push his belly off the ground and crawl.
Love jumping, splashing in the pool or tub, riding in his car
Best friend is Charlie (no matter how many times his barking wakes him up)
Loves tickles
Thinks Elmo is hilarious
Favorite food: Yogurt
No height or weight yet, appointment is not until August.

I figured I would give a rundown of his daily schedule just so I can remember:
7-8am wakes up
8am Bottle(6oz)
8:15-9: Playtime on the floor
9am: breakfast (oatmeal and fruit)
10am: morning nap (anywhere from 20 minutes to 1.5hrs)
11ish: bottle (4-5oz)
11:15-12: playtime in exersaucer (so momma can shower) or with spot the dog
12pm: Lunch (a meat or meal like vegetable beef or mac and cheese and 1/2veggie and 1/2 fruit) then usually has to taste what mom is eating
1:00 nap
2:00bottle (4-5oz)
2:30-4:30 playtime, walks, snacks
4:30 mini nap if he'll take it
5:00 bottle, then watch mom make dinner
6:00 dinner (veggie, fruit, and yogurt)
6:30-7 play with daddy
7:00bath then playtime and books
8:00 bottle
Bed by 9
Oh, and I didn't mention the 8 poopy diapers I change daily.  That may be an exaggeration but there are at least 4.
Happy birthday bubba!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Revenge Of The BathMonster

I guess we are switching to the tub tomorrow night.
Sorry some is sideways, daddy kept switching the camera angle. Also sorry for my loud screeching. I was completely soaked.  It took two big towels, one kid towel, and a momma change of clothes to get the bathroom back to normal. In his defense, I was about to attack his ears with some cotton swabs.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Swim Time!

Nicky took a dip in the pool today.  By pool, I mean tiny little blow up thing with like an inch of water in it.  I have tons of pictures I'll post below.  A first he was a little nervous, but started to warm up and splash.  He got a little too confident and took a nose dive, but other than that we had lots of fun. He stayed in until he started to wrinkle.  I was expecting a nice long nap after playing in the pool, but Nicky has other plans.  He slept for 10 minutes then was wide awake and wanted a snack.  We'll try again this weekend and try to get some video.  It was too hard to operate a video camera and be a lifeguard at the same time.
Opening my pool toys

Hey Gilligan, Where's the skipper?
"I don't know about this"

"Maybe just the feet."

"Come on in buddy!"

"I'm outta here!"

Drying off

5 minutes later...milk coma