Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sitting and Eating

Nicky has just hit a couple milestones: sitting and eating.  The past couple days he has really been getting good at sitting up on his own.  He first did it in the bathtub because he could hold on, but was afraid of sitting on the floor.  Now he is really getting good!
A pillow just in case of......
oops! Baby down!

Hey while your down there, can you clean under the tv stand?
Much better!
 Nicky has also been eating snacks like crazy.  We started with watermelon and cantaloupe:
mmmmm soo good

Don't take my watermelon!

That's not bad

"Mom says I shouldn't eat this part but it tastes fine to me!"
 Yesterday while we were at Target, we picked up some baby snacks, mum mums and puffs.  Puffs are basically cheerios that are supposed to be easier to dissolve.  Pretty much the baby market finding a way to get people to buy cheerios for a much more expensive price because there is a picture of a baby on the front. (yeah, I bought into it too) Mum-Mums are basically baby rice cakes.  I took out a mum-mum and said, "wow these are big, let me break it in half." 3 seconds later, it was gone. There weren't kidding with the dissolves quickly thing.  I did manage to snap a few photos during those 3 seconds.
"So good, i'm never eating baby food again!"

"I look happy now, but I better get a new one real quick or you'll be sorry."
 Thank goodness I didn't buy those teething biscuits.  Rice cakes are way easier to clean up.

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