Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Maddness!

Tonight was Trick or Treat.  Grandma Monica picked Nicky up early from school so that he could eat dinner and get ready before the festivities began.  He put on his costume and was ready to go just as momma was getting home:
Blocked by the bag

Now eating his bag

Much better.  Just don't look at momma's 6 chins
 Grandma, Mommy, and Nicky hit the streets to get some sweets while daddy stayed back to pass out candy.
Yummm somone passed out cheesy puffs

"Trick or Treat"

Holding my treat bag so tight

Checking out all the big kids

First sucker

"Hey! Got anymore suckers?"

Sneaking another cheesy puff
 After a few houses, we came back inside.  It was so cold out there!  Nicky came inside to find a present from Grandma! These are a little out of order:

"What's in here?"

A new book.  I love books!

"Sweet big bird toy"

Checking it out sideways

And again

Someone open this already
 Someone (daddy) gave Nicky a twix bar.  He thought it was the best thing ever:
"OMG! Sooo good!!!"

Check out the saliva on the table

"Touch it and I'll take your hand off."

Two hands the whole time until it was gone
It was all downhill from there.  Sugar rush sank in.  Between cheesy puffs, suckers, twix, and a little pizza crust, he was off the wall crazy.  I have never seen him crawl so fast.  He was everywhere:
"What's in here?"

"I'm gonna get ya"


Digging for the good stuff
 He sat on the floor for five minutes and I swear he was sorting the candy.  Like the big kids when they come inside and dump their pile in the middle of the floor. (And then give those nasty peanut butter things in the black and orange wrappers to their dad).  Anyway, he was digging through the buckets and making piles of candy.  We tried to let him run all the sugar off and we were waiting for a good crash.  40 minutes after bedtime and he is finally sound asleep.  All in all, a great night.  He got in some good practice for next year when he will really have to say, "Trick or Treat"

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Snack time

We had a little snack time on the couch the other day. Some goldfish and milk:
Waiting patiently for my snack

"Stop taking pictures!"

Hitting the bottle

The aftermath

Digging for the best one

Watching something

He's so serious about snack time

"Mmmm Yummy"

Pumkin carving and care package

Nicky got a care package from Grandma and Grandpa the other day filled with Halloween goodies.
Opening his box of goodies

"Ooo a card!"

"Woah check it out"
Lots of loot

Taking a closer look

He knows what he likes.  All he wanted was the snickers bar

"Hey will this snickers bar work in the new toy?"

Finally touching something other than a snickers

"Yummy ghost suckers"
 Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Bowden.  Next we carved our pumpkins.  Mommy chose flowers, Daddy chose an angry bird, and Nicky chose a silly face.  Really mommy picked the silly face because it was easy and she was so done carving pumpkins.  After opening the pumpkins and cleaning them out, the boys abandoned me and I was stuck carving all three by myself.  Because I don't want to take the time, these pictures may be out of order.:
The finished pumpkins ready for Halloween

Checking out the guts


Happy Halloween
 Here is a Halloween costume preview from Nicky's party at school: