Sunday, October 16, 2011

What's been happening?

Man have we been busy with sickies.  First daddy, then mommy, and now Nicky has the runny nose that just won't quit. Thought I'd hop on here before Grandpa Joe has a cow.  However, I'm seriously considering a blog boycott until baby sissy gets an overhead light in her bedroom....just saying. It's getting harder to take some pics  because someone just keeps running all over the place!  Here is what I could get:
Sucking my thumb

Only tough guys can pull off a scratch under the eye!

The after bath nakey baby chase


Playing find the daddy

Found him!

"Can I see the picture?"


He's really not this big, he's wearing like 4 shirts.  It was cold

Coming to get you!

Almost there.  Look at the determination

Playing with trucks

Reorganizing.  See how I try to let go?

"Hey you! Let me outta here!"
Silly bathtime

Showing off his washcloth

"Look guys.  This is what we wash with."

Washing the tub.  Someone's got to.

Making sure the scary faucet doesn't turn on again.
 So there is our weekend.  We've been trying to clear out the spare bedroom (why do we have so much crap?) to turn it into nursery #2.  Nicky has been really good at school.  He got daddy in trouble for teaching him to spit at the dinner table.  He loves painting and giving his teachers kisses.  He especially likes going into the gym with the big kids in the evening before we go home.  Hopefully we can hit the pumpkin patch next weekend since this weekend was so rainy.  And if anyone was wondering, you'll be pushing your luck to see any belly shots of baby #2.  Instead of growing outward from my belly button, she is growing outward from my hips.  Totally the wrong direction and yes, I am blaming it on her and not the entire box of oatmeal cream pies I devoured. Until next time...

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