Saturday, January 21, 2012

1 year old!!!

My baby boy is one!!! It's sad for a momma to think that she no longer has a baby and now has a little boy.  Nicky had a birthday party today. He was still napping when all the guests arrived and I had to wake him up:

"What do you mean it's party time?"

Fast asleep
 Yep he still had jammies on in the middle of the afternoon. That's how we roll on the weekends.  He eventually woke up and came downstairs to open gifts.
Trying to remember how this present opening works

A drum set from Uncle Jeff and Aunt Ang

Check it out!

Did I mention it comes with cymbals? Awesome
 He kept going back to this toy and it quickly became a favorite.  Thanks for the extra loud toy!
A Piano

A gift from Aunt Jess and Mr. Clint

Musical cube

Love these toys!
Helping daddy put it together

Sometimes you have to climb on top to get it open

What? A power quad?

Dump it out!

Uncle Jeff put together my power quad!

Look at all this stuff!

"Does anyone have any cake?"

Get this juice outta here...its cake time!

"Let me have it!"

Oooh sweet but...


 He demolished the entire smash cake.  There was nothing but icing smeared to..well...everything.  He still has some up his nose.
Showing Uncle Jeff my play room

"Hey guys, did you get any of that cake?"

Playing with Uncle Jeff

Not sure which one was more into it

Trying out my new power quad.  I had trouble figuring out how it works.
 After everyone left, Nicky took a little nap, then woke up to play some more.  He instantly climbed on his quad again.  He hadn't been able to work it himself and seeing that mommy and daddy were both exhausted, we let him sit on it and both went to lay on the couches.  Well Nicky figured out how to make it go on his own! Nick and I both jumped sky high and almost had a heart attack when he crashed into the side of the couch.  Nicky however, thought it was hilarious.  We spent the rest of the night trying to capture it on video.
This was the first one we could get.  Nick's hand is behind him, but he wasn't touching him.  I am the one cracking up in the background.  He doesn't just go, he goes balls out!  It's hilarious how he always tries to kick start it when he can't make it go.
This one daddy caught, he was trying to go slow and was doing a little stutter.
He is still working on the steering.  We are quite scared that at 1 year old, he can work this by himself and is not afraid of how fast he can go.  Luckily there is a bunch of snow outside and we can only go the distance of the living room.  Otherwise, you could picture mom and dad running down the driveway as Nicky laughs riding into the street.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!

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