Monday, March 5, 2012


Right this very moment I have 2, count em, 2 children sleeping!  They never sleep at the same time, especially in the middle of the afternoon.  What am I doing you ask? (besides blogging with 2 hands!) Catching up on dishes/laundry.....nope.  I'm doing things for work. Definitely couldn't go 6 weeks without doing something for my school.

Here is a little snapshot of our week last week.  Definitely harder to take pictures with 2 kids.
Nicky fell asleep playing this way.  He was out for an hour just like that.  We don't move sleeping babes in my house.

My desperate attempt on a 60 degree day to get both kids to nap.  Guess which one didn't nap but totally looks like he needs to?  Also, awesome double stroller! I can work it with one hand!  Who says I even have 1 hand?

Daddy and Nicky built a fort in the playroom

Daddy and Lyssie took a nap in said fort

Someone decided to wake up. Seriously Nicky clean up your toys!

"What do you think you're doing?"

"This is so not cool.  I don't even have my hair done"

"What?  Did you say bottle?"
 Each day is getting a little easier.  Someone should take a picture of this, but I can successfully carry both children into the school at the same time without help. If I can't loose this baby weight quick then I don't know who can.  I have also only asked Nick to bring home dinner once...or was it twice?  Either way, I'm doing good. I've also mopped the kitchen floor twice in the past 2 weeks.  Can't say that I mopped it twice in the past 9 months. Hope your week is easier and full of more sleep than mine!

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