Thursday, January 27, 2011

Baby Photo Shoot

Yes I still braid my hair like a 12 year old.
Thanks for the flowers Nick's Work

I can't believe tomorrow will be 1 week!  It goes by so fast!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Boys

Baby Feet

Random day 5 pictures

Just for fun
"So sleepy"

 Nick's first swing ride.  He's so tiny!!!!
"Dude, stop with the flashes.  I'm not going to smile.  Just give up already."

Milk Cocktail

Nick hated latching on (and so did mommy), so we switched to bottles. Here is and example of how we felt before the switch when they tried to make us use a syringe to get enough milk....ridiculous
"Get that away from me."

I have been pumping 3 times a day and then we supplement with formula. Nick has been taking feedings so much better and the whole family is much happier.  Just don't tell those nasty lactation consultants at the hospital.

Breastfeeding just isn't for everyone.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Nick and Charlie have become good friends.  Charlie always wants to see what the baby is doing.  He likes to lay next to him on the couch, but gets a little too close when Nick is in his carseat.  When Nicky cries, Charlie runs to us to let us know that the baby needs something.  Hopefully they will be best friends!

So Clean

I apologize in advance for any mispellings.  My life is now doing everything with one hand.

Nicky got his first bath at home......hated it!  Of course i have the pics to prove it. 
 "Why am I naked???!!!!"

"Seriously, this is not acceptable!"
"Soooooooooo cold"

"Seriously mom with the pictures?  This was freakin tragic!"
"Ahhhh all better."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Going Home

On the way home.  Fast asleep.  We were so happy to go home a day early and spend some time as a family.

Day 2

Day 2 was a big day!  Momma got moved to a big private room and was finally able to eat solid foods without restrictions.  Also finally got to take a shower and begin to feel normal again.  Nicky had lots of visitors again:
 "Hey Grandpa Joe!  Where's my Bowden Construction onesie?"
The proud Bowden Grandparents
Grandma Monica 
The Kelleys
Grandpa Mike
Uncle Ryan
Hangin with dad

Day 1 pictures

Just a few minutes old.  Nick loves his fingers.  He always wants his hands by his face.
 Momma finally gets to hold Nicholas for the first time. "Don't scratch your eye Bubba."
 Bathed, changed, and cuddly.  After a rest (like 30 minutes for me) it was morning and time to start the day.  I hadn't been to sleep since Wednesday night and only got a few winks before they had Nick cleaned up and back to me.  Luckily, all he wanted to do was sleep.  But for me, I had nurses looking at me every few minutes to check my vitals and make sure I could feel my legs again.  Big Nick had gone home because I was put in a double room, and there was only a small chair for him to sit in. 
 Perfect little feet
 Perfect little hands
Hey guys, I'm trying to sleep here. Enough with the flashes

Special Visitors:
 Grandma Linda
Aunt Jessica
Grandma Monica
Hanging with daddy

Birth Story

Here is the juicy birth story for your reading pleasure.  Also for me to refer to because I'm sure I'm going to try to block tragic parts from my memory.

Thursday morning I woke up from a bad night's sleep feeling crampy.  I went into work and tried to take it easy all day.  I wasn't having contractions, but I definitely didn't feel good.  By 4:30, when I left for the day, I told everyone I would see them in the morning.  My entire staff rolled their eyes at me and said, "No you won't.  See you in April."  I drove home, and while looking at the clocked, timed "really bad cramps" every 10 minutes.  I was still completely denying any mention of the word LABOR.  There was no possible way I was in labor, I have a scheduled c-section in a week, and this would be 2 weeks before my due date!  Not happening!!!

I went home an laid down.   Nick came home completely freaking out and telling me we were going to the hospital.  I told him absolutely not, they were just going to send me home and I wasn't about to be one of those losers who goes to the hospital with every little feeling and then gets sent home.  I finally convinced him to wait 2 hours and then we would see how I was feeling.  By then I knew, I would feel much better.  

2 Hours later, I got up and took a shower.  While in the shower, I definitely had contractions.  There wasn't any denying it.  Nick could tell, because when I got out of the shower, he was dressed, shoes on, ready to go.  My response:  "We aren't leaving yet.....I still have to blow dry my hair."  Yep, I was still denying it.

Finally I called the Dr. and she told me to head on into the hospital.  She asked if I was having contractions.  My response....I don't freaking know, I've never been pregnant.  The Dr. told me to have them hook me up to the monitors and we would see if this was real or not.  Here we are on the way to the hospital:
Nick increasing his fluids before a long night.
 I'm totally faking it in this picture.  The thumbs up is 100% sarcasm.  By this time I was contracting every 4 minutes and holding on to the ceiling of the car in pain.  Not a fan of labor.  In retrospect, I'm kinda glad I had a c-section.  I certainly was not going to be able to tolerate actually giving birth the "natural way."  All those people that do this without drugs, I give credit, but I still think you are insane!

I got to the hospital and was hooked up on the monitors by 10:30.  I was definitely having real contractions, but was only 2 cm dilated.  2?  With that much pain, only 2?  Hell no was I waiting until 10!  Everything from here happened rather quickly.  It happened rather quickly for some 20 other moms that day too.  Evidently the hospital was chock full of moms in labor.  Every nurse, Dr., what have you was exhausted by the time they got to me because there had been so many babies born that day.  There was actually a line for the OR.  I was waiting for some lady to have twins before I went in.  

I walked down to the OR to get ready for delivery.  The ladies at the nurses station were impressed with me walking all the way to the operating room.  I walked into the doors and freaked out!  The room was big and super bright and everything just looked......sterile.  Of course I was then by myself, because they make Nick wait while they prep me for surgery.  I was given a spinal and laid down and ready in a matter of minutes.  The only problem was that I was shaking like crazy.  It was a mixture of being cold and terrified, but From this point on, I shook for hours.  The put up the sheet, brought Nick in to sit beside me. Everyone was talking and then all of a sudden it felt like a nurse laid on top of me and then...
 Out he came.  They didn't even prepare me.  It was just chat chat chat, then waaaaaaaah here's your baby.
He is perfect.  Of course I couldn't see anything, but I could hear that sweet baby cry.  Daddy got to go over while they cleaned him up
"What is going on?????  This isn't what I thought it would be!"

Daddy got to cut the cord

Hey Momma
One big happy family!!!!

The Kelleys