Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 1 pictures

Just a few minutes old.  Nick loves his fingers.  He always wants his hands by his face.
 Momma finally gets to hold Nicholas for the first time. "Don't scratch your eye Bubba."
 Bathed, changed, and cuddly.  After a rest (like 30 minutes for me) it was morning and time to start the day.  I hadn't been to sleep since Wednesday night and only got a few winks before they had Nick cleaned up and back to me.  Luckily, all he wanted to do was sleep.  But for me, I had nurses looking at me every few minutes to check my vitals and make sure I could feel my legs again.  Big Nick had gone home because I was put in a double room, and there was only a small chair for him to sit in. 
 Perfect little feet
 Perfect little hands
Hey guys, I'm trying to sleep here. Enough with the flashes

Special Visitors:
 Grandma Linda
Aunt Jessica
Grandma Monica
Hanging with daddy

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