Monday, February 28, 2011

March.....In like a lion

To wrap up February, the weather has certainly proven to be true.  March is coming in like a lion.  Pretty much the whole state is flooding right now...including our yard.  Here is what we woke up to this morning:
 Lake Kelley.  We have a small creek in our back yard that typically is bone dry until it rains.  Even during rain, it is a very small stream that doesn't last long.  With last night's torrential downpours combined with melting snow, we ended up with an entire yard flooded.  
 Somewhere in the middle of this lake is the drain.  The drain happened to be covered with leaves and dirt from the long winter that completely sealed it shut.  It took me wading through ice cold water this morning to try to find it.  The water in the yard was about ankle deep.  If you look closely there are some rocks that line the edge of the creek by the drain.  I jumped onto the rocks and used a shovel to try to clear the debris from the drain.  After several unsuccessful attempts (and several times wading back to the house to check on the baby) I feared that I may have to jump into the creek and dig out the drain.  This water would have been waist deep. I know I normally exaggerate, but I'm not kidding this time.  The reason for my madness was this:
 Water had to go somewhere and was rushing like a river down the side yard, into the front, pooling on the sidewalk and eventually reaching the street drain.  This water could very quickly turn to flooding the basement or worse, ticking off our neighbor that has OCD about his lawn. When I say it was rushing, I really mean you could hear the flow of water.  Man would I have loved some straws at that point.  Mom, you know what I'm talking about....Straw races!!!!!!   If only Nicky was 2 years older, we would have had a sweet straw race down to the drain.  Man! You can really entertain a kid on a rainy day with just a drinking straw!  Anyway back to the story....
 Finally after thinking I wasn't getting anywhere, I turned around to see that the water on the grass had completely drained...Eureka!  I dug a little more and bam! water went shooting down the hole!

Now you may be asking yourself a very important question..Why didn't I just have Nick do it?  Well I can give you a logical answer or I can give you a Joanna answer.

Logical answer:  Nick was at work and it would be hours before he was home for lunch and would have taken his whole lunch hour to clear (Wife of the year nominee here)

Joanna answer:  Adventure Time!!!!  The thought of wadding through the lake and balancing on rocks with the possibility of falling in was awesome!  I just had to get out there and explore.  I couldn't postpone in case Nick came home and took the fun from me.  I NEEDED TO GET OUT THERE!  Does anyone else think that I am going just a little stir crazy being home in the middle of the winter?

A Moment Of Cuteness:

Here is Nicky and his adorable ducky bath towel:
 Don't you just want to squeeze him?

Have a wonderful's to more lamb days!

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