Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day at the Park

We spent Mother's Day with a trip to the park. Before those pictures, I have some pictures from last weekend too.  Nicky got a new tent with a tunnel from Grandma Monica and Lyssie learned to play with a new toy:
In Action

No Fear

"Come and get me!"

"Woah look at that Lion!"

"Let me show you how it works sissy."


Love this tent
First swing ride

not so sure

running on the big equipment

loves tunnels

"what? there;s more?"

Animal land

He was afraid of the animals and was telling one "not nice"


Sissy didn't like the wind on her face

First attempt at a picture

yep, never gonna get a good one
Someone's standing really well

Sissy May 2012
Bubby May 2011
Still love that lion
 Happy Mother's Day to all Mommies

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Nick had a fun time at the park! Hope you enjoyed your Mothers Day.
