Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Summer Summer Time

This weekend felt like summer!  With temps in the mid eighties, we had to do some summer activities. Saturday we ran some errands, checked out some yard sales, took a nap, then after dinner got some ICE CREAM. Funny side story about the ice cream shop (by the way I think every town needs a local ice cream joint) we walk up to the window, kids in one hand, pack of wipes in the other, and another family was sitting at the picnic table eating their ice cream.  The mom goes, "You know you are parents of little kids when you bring your own wipes to the ice cream stand." They had the exact same pack of wipes with them. Hey we know how this is about to go down and it isn't gonna be pretty.
Taking "bites"

I gave him the end of my cone to finish by himself

We started out with a spoon so he insisted on using it the rest of the time

Summer is awesome!

 He played his cards right and kept taking turns eating daddy and mommy's cones.  Poor sissy just sat there in her seat giving a pouty face.  Sorry kiddo, soon enough you can eat it too.
Sunday we went to the park....for like 10 minutes.  It was too freaking hot!!!  We checked out a different park this week which had a little better equipment, but absolutely no shade. 
Sis got sick of the stroller and wanted to play too

The slides were on fire so daddy had to go down too

"Anybody out there!"

"Oh there you are"

We're working on slides, he keeps putting his feet down and then flipping forward

Sissy loved the swing, but I was afraid teeny tiny would fall out of the leg holes

The swings were cracking him up

Girls on the swing

Love this! She grabbed onto the chains by herself.  How does she know that?

 Since the playground was way too hot, we decided to go to the waterpark our backyard and check out the pool.  Grandma Monica got us a new pool for the summer. We weren't patient enough to wait for the pool to warm up so it was freezing cold.
The dudes waiting patiently

No pictures....I'm trying to tan

Look at protective brother thinking, "Oh geeze, don't let her fall in"

Brother & Sister splash time

Oops forgot to turn this one

 What a great weekend! I admit I'm sorry for thinking that I would never use that 0-3month bathing suit. (who knew it'd be nearly 90 in May??)  Also, they don't make swim diapers small enough.  Nick can still wear the small ones.  Are babies not allowed to swim?  Also note to self, buy girl swim diapers.  Sissy was rocking the Lightning McQueen.

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