Sunday, June 10, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend was jam packed!  Who doesn't love a 3 day weekend?  We started by going to the ice cream festival at Great Grandad's. If you remember last year, Nicky had his first taste of ice cream:
We couldn't let Alyssa pass up the fun, so Grammy spoiled her with ice cream too:
The parade was way fun for Nicky this year!  He loved watching everything, and was not even scared when the fire truck right by his head turned on the siren
Mmmm Orange Push Pop

Nick thought it was way cool to be able to walk in the street

Watching the parade

He kept eating all the candy with the wrappers still on

The horses were his favorite.  As soon as they passed he got up an ran after them
"Come back horses!"
After the parade, we headed back to Grandad's house for lunch.  Nicky ate more than anyone and did some running around:
Checking out the fish

Juice box explosion
Pouty face from not being allowed to jump in
We also went to the festival and Nick got to ride one of those horses.  He loved it at first, but was terrified of the scary guy holding him and his rockin handlebar mustache.  After he screamed and was passed back to me, he instantly ran back to the gate to look at the horses again.

We also went to a pretty sweet park by Grandma's house and played for a few minutes.  It was 90degrees so we only stayed for a few minutes
Both kids swinging together.  Lyssie loved it, Nick was afraid of crushing his sister

She loved swinging even though her face is serious

Digging in the sandbox
We spent the night and went home after a good night's sleep.
So Naughty

"Hey, What's going on out there?"
Thanks for the fun weekend Gram!  On Monday we checked out the Twinsburg parade.  We got there, and then it was over.  Seriously, it was so short!  Nicky got a few suckers and both kids got a flag to wave from the boy scouts.  It was super hot at 10am and the sun tuckered the kids right out.
"Mom, It's so hot!"

Something shiny passed by

Sissy waving her flag

We came back home and fired up the grill and pool.  Grandma Monica came over and the kids had a blast outside

Happy Memorial Day!

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