Sunday, September 26, 2010

Can I get royalties from this name?

So way back when we were just dating, Nick mentioned that when he had children, he wanted his first son to be a Jr.  I kinda said, "Oh that's nice," knowing that I would be able to change his mind before that time came.  Well folks, the time has come and I have NOT been able to change his mind!  Nick is dead set of having a Nicholas Jr.  I had great arguments against the Jr. too:
 1.  And most important:  ITS A FREAKING TV NETWORK!!
           Seriously every time I hear it I think of this guy:
                Face from t.v.  Remember him?  "Face here! Blue's clues is on next!"  If my son comes out looking like this guy.......   At least there will be lots of clothing apparel and toys with his name on it.
 b.  How do I know who's mail is who's????
3. When our son turns 18 and ventures off into the real world and messes up with thousands of dollars in debt, Who do you thinks credit score is going to drop drastically because little mess up didn't distinguish between Sr. and Jr. on his credit applications?  It happens to people every day.

d. What do I say around the house??? Nick's response was, "Call him Nick and call me a nickname."  So all day I've been walking around saying, "Oh Nickname? Can you come over here and help me?  Oh Nickname!  Switch the laundry."   Yep, I've gone low and resorted to sarcasm.

While there are some Jr's. out there that we would like to forget like John Wayne Gacy Jr. (famous serial killer) or Dick Smothers Jr. (porn star)(I had to look that one up, honest).  And then there is Al Gore Jr. who hid his Jr. while in office because he didn't want people to know. (uh huh)
Although, if I were Al Gore Sr. I'd be more inclined to hide. (Please don't kick me off the Internet you supposedly "invented" Al)
There are also some pretty great Jr's. out there:
Martin Luther King Jr.  I mean, he gets an entire holiday.
Actor Harry Connick Jr. (I do love Hope Floats)
Sports Legend Ken Griffey Jr.
And who can forget the ladies man: Dale Earnhardt Jr.?

So the fates have spoken.  No matter how many brilliant arguments I have come up with, the fate of poppyseed has been sealed.....Nicholas Stephen Jr.

I'm coming to terms with it.  However, when little Nick comes to me and says, "Mommy why do I have the same name as Daddy?"  I will definitely respond, "Well buddy, daddy is crazy sometimes and forced me to name you Nick, when I wanted a super awesome name like Superman!"  

What?  Like you parents out there have not played your cards against your spouse to try to be the favorite?  Gimme a break.

So here's a toast to you little Nick, I tried.


1 comment:

  1. You gave up way too easily!

    But at least Nick is a normal name... so it could be worse. Like Arnold or something. :)
