Sunday, September 26, 2010


Ok.  We did it.  Today we registered for baby junk items.  People were asking and Grandma Monica couldn't wait another second.  Registries should be up and ready to go by this afternoon at: 
We are both exhausted!  Nick is currently napping.  Somehow it wore him out more than I.  I don't think he has been inside a BabiesRUs before.  When we walked in and he looked at the gigantic store lined wall to wall with baby goodies, he had one of these moments:
He pretty much just followed behind me like a lost puppy.  I let him make simple decisions like, "Do you like the blue receiving blankets with trucks or animals?"

The entire time I didn't let my death grip off of my favorite shopping device:

 Ahhh.  If I could only register for the registry gun......

Happy shopping everyone!!!!  Also, I didn't really register for many clothes because I know how you all shop.  You are just going to pick out outfits you think are cute whether they are on the list or not.  It's ok.  I've done it too.

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