Saturday, May 21, 2011

Baby food

I've decided to make my own baby food. I stopped by the store and picked up some supplies.  FYI...sweet potatoes in May...not a good price.  I got some sweet potatoes and carrots. Don't tell the doctor that we started food.  He wasn't quite 4 months when we started and we aren't supposed to start without consulting a doctor.  Oops.  The boy is hungry!
New Ice Cube trays for freezing

Sweet Potatoes baking....eww my oven is dirty

Store baby food costs $0.94.  I got twice as many carrots for this price.  Sweet potatoes not such a great deal, but they would be on sale or during a holiday when they are much cheaper.

Carrots ready for steaming
 While waiting for the food to cook, Nicky and I had some playtime.
"Is it done yet?  How much longer?  How bout now?"

"Why is it taking so long????"

And then he quit helping me.
Potatoes ready for mashing

Then put in ice cube trays for freezing.  All this from two potatoes....The same as 10 jars of baby food

Into the freezer....Notice how the grownups get the frozen pizza and french fries.  The baby gets the homemade healthy stuff.
Once frozen, I put the cubes into freezer bags until I need them.
 Now on to tasting.  These pictures are actually of Nicky eating bananas for the first time.  I also made those fresh...they just weren't as complex.  Bananas mashed with a fork.
First bite down the hatch!

"oooh what was that?  That's a new taste!"

"Let me get a little taste of thumb for comparison."

"And the verdict is...."

"Love It!"
 All in was actually pretty fun to make.  Since these pictures, Nicky has tried the sweet potatoes and is unsure about them.  We're going to try them again tonight.  Mommy thinks they are disgusting and smell like pumpkin....but I'll pretend like their delicious for Nicky's sake.
Taters.  Were they a little sour??

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