Sunday, May 1, 2011

Story Time

Nicky loves story time.  He especially likes reading with Daddy. We hope to get him to love reading from the start.  I was read to a lot, but ended up hating reading (give me long division or an equation any day). This day we curled up in the chair to read our new Easter books from both Grandparents.  After those two books, he wanted to keep going so we kept reading.

 We were reading Benny's Bad Day.  It is my all time favorite childhood story.  I LOVED this book!!!!!  I can still remember each part.  Poor Benny!  Grandma had to search far and wide to find this book for Nicky.  She finally found it used online and ordered it.  I remember home video of mom reading me this book for the thousandth time laying on the living room floor and I was sitting on her back.  I try to read this one to Nicky as long as he'll let me. (it's kinda long)

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