Sunday, May 15, 2011


Nick has really taken an interest in anything that we have been eating lately.  He is really jealous and wants what we have.  The past few days I have given him just a few tiny bits of rice cereal just so he can get used to taking something from a spoon and learning to use his tongue the right way.  Tonight at dinner, we were having applesauce and big Nick gave Nicky just a tiny bit from his spoon.  It was over from there!  The kid was hooked.  He fussed for more and more.  I eventually grabbed a jar of baby food applesauce from the cupboard and started feeding it to him.  He took quite a bit. He was actually grabbing the spoon and shoving it into his mouth.  We didn't get the video out until he was finished, so the footage doesn't show how excited he was.
I guess we have an eater now.  I have to start making baby food now.  Yep you read that correctly....i'm gonna make it myself.....for now.  Don't worry, I'm sure it will be hilarious and i'll document the process.

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