Thursday, September 22, 2011

Quick Update

Just a quick update....without pictures because I'm too tired.

It's a girl!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

8 Months Old

Big boy is 8 months old today.  I almost cried yesterday because he came downstairs looking more like a kid than a baby.  Today he was lucky to get picked up early from school and spent an afternoon home with daddy. A couple hours later I was sent a text that said, "Guess who climbs stairs?"
"Come on guys"

He moves up there so quick and with confidence

"Are you watching this mom?"

It's so much easier when there are surprises on each step
 He decided he was 8 months old, it was time to go upstairs and play in his room and he was going to get up there himself.  
I tried to get a good picture of him today, but he would not hold still one second:
Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

So silly!
At 8 months:
Crawls on all 4s
Pulls up and cruises on furniture
Climbs stairs!
Loves anything paper that he can rip chew on
Fav snacks: baby cheetos and yogurt drops
Getting more attached to the paci now that school started
Still no words
Tries to get out of carseat all by himself
Gives great hugs!

Monday, September 19, 2011

What'll it be???

Big week.  Wednesday is Nicky's 8 month birthday and Thursday is baby 2's big day.  Let's hope he or she cooperates and shows the goods so we don't have to wait any longer.  What do you think baby 2 it will be???  

Actually, don't even respond if your vote is girl....because everyone's vote is girl.  Let me hear from the boy voters out there!

Vote number 2 can be which way this baby will be facing. Are we going to have another breech baby or is momma gonna freak out about this whole labor and delivery process???  Remember Nicky was breech at this ultrasound and never ever turned.  Let's hear the guesses.

First Day of School and New Playroom

Nicky had his first day of school on September 14th.  He started out with a half day and then went right into full days.  The first full day he was pretty fussy, but he has gotten much better.  The problem is momma works at his school and has to walk through his classroom many times during the day.  He is to the point where half the time he sees me he cries and the other half he smiles and goes back to playing.   He has 3 other boys in his class that are all born within a week of each other so I know they will grow up to be big trouble.  I only got one picture (this may be the second day) so forgive me.  I'll do better on the first day of Kindergarten...or not
My bag is packed, let's roll!
 We also started the painstaking task of clearing out the spare bedroom to make into another nursery.  Wow I could not believe the amount of stuff in that room.  The problem was finding a place for that stuff, meant rearranging all of the stuff in other places of the house.  Sunday was spend reorganizing the extra bedroom, garage, crawlspace, and a few closets.  We are nowhere near done or even to the point of being able to fit a crib into that room.  We did however complete the task of turning our empty room into a sweet playroom.  We have spent the past 2 years with this room totally empty and I finally decided to make it a playroom.  Our living room has so much stuff to climb and pull and he has spent the past 8 months spending almost every day in that room.  It was time to have a space to roam free of dangerous things. 
Play shelves and TV for elmo

Momma's chair (wish it rocked)

Ariel view. The shelves are right against these letters
 There is still plenty of room for toys and we will probably change it out often to prevent boredom.  Can you see the teacher/daycare resemblance?  I can't help it.  This is a dog free zone so Nick can get toys out and not have to worry about chewing or getting something else's drool on them.  There is also lots of room for a baby swing and play mat come time for that.  We just need a few more baskets and a lamp for the other corner.  1 room down, many to go.

Big Boy Catch Up

We've got some catching up to do.  Here are the last updates before I have an 8month old.

We went to a library book sale and cleaned up on the board books.  I wanted to just get books that he could chew on and beat up without ripping.  We ended up with over 100 for just $6!!!
 Nicky also spent a day at Uncle Jeff's house.  He was crazy scared of Uncle Jeff's big dog and ended up waking up Aunt Angela who was supposed to be sleeping before her night shift.
Having some lunch

"I'm outta here"


Playing with some toys
Eating some more

Having a bottle

Checking out the jumper

Jumping around

Napping with my Aunt
Napping again.
 Doesn't Uncle Jeff look super tired???  Nicky was really upset from that scary dog and just wanted to sleep.  I walked in to find him like that, until the dog barked and he started screaming. 

***Note the above pictures were taken by Jeff so I am not liable for unapproved photos

We stopped by to see Grandpa and to have a bottle before hitting the road back home:

Nicky is so good at standing and now can crawl across the room at lighting speed.  Here he was looking at daddy outside mowing the lawn:

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Let's Get Dangerous!

This kiddo is now pulling up to stand on EVERYTHING!!!  He is so proud of himself and is going to have awesome biceps because he uses his arms alone to pull up.  Here are some shots from the past few days:
"What? I told you I could do it"

"Ha ha. Nothing is safe anymore!"

The very first time successfully climbing the ottomon

"Oops. Busted"

"If I smile cute she won't be mad about the candle now on the floor"

Trying a different angle. And yes, I see the cords. I was using the computer at the time.
We've managed to get by with very few boo boos.  He just has a few regular kid bruises here and there and a scratch under his chin that is completely fingernail related.  Our biggest challenge was when he started standing up in the crib:
"I'll jump off of here. I'll do it."

So proud of himslef

Plotting his next move

 We promptly lowered the crib to the lowest possible position.  It happens to be waaaay low and now momma has a hard time getting her belly over the railing to get him in there. In another month, I won't be able to do it at all.
"Not cool mom and dad."

Trapped baby

This is much safer
He'll still try though

 ***Shame to anyone judging me for the mismatched outfit. He's a weird size right now

****Kudos to those that got my Darkwing Duck reference in the title

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Just some pics from the last few days

We had a few days this week where it wasn't too hot for prego momma to run around outside.  We even had an evening when we switched to pants to go outside:
"I love pulling on the grass!"

"My new big blue ball"

Hugs for daddy

Wrestle time

"Smile daddy, momma has the camera"

 I was folding laundry the other day and walked away to answer the phone.  When I came back, Nicky had crawled over and pulled out some laundry to "help" me fold:
"Why does she hate this? This is a piece of cake!"

 I gave him snack in a bowl of his own.  He is still having trouble grasping small bites with his fingers.  He gets it into the palm of his hand and then can't figure out how to get it back to his fingers to put in his mouth.  He did have fun with the bowl though:
"I'll just drink it"

So much concentration

"I need a refill"
 Since he evidently feels that he has mastered crawling, Nicky has moved on to pulling up on everything.  Especially the coffee table.  He gets up to his knees really easily, but struggles with the strength to get to his feet.  He thinks using his mouth for leverage will help.  Thank goodness we don't have teeth yet.

 I love when he realized I'm taking pictures and pauses with a smile!