Wednesday, September 21, 2011

8 Months Old

Big boy is 8 months old today.  I almost cried yesterday because he came downstairs looking more like a kid than a baby.  Today he was lucky to get picked up early from school and spent an afternoon home with daddy. A couple hours later I was sent a text that said, "Guess who climbs stairs?"
"Come on guys"

He moves up there so quick and with confidence

"Are you watching this mom?"

It's so much easier when there are surprises on each step
 He decided he was 8 months old, it was time to go upstairs and play in his room and he was going to get up there himself.  
I tried to get a good picture of him today, but he would not hold still one second:
Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

So silly!
At 8 months:
Crawls on all 4s
Pulls up and cruises on furniture
Climbs stairs!
Loves anything paper that he can rip chew on
Fav snacks: baby cheetos and yogurt drops
Getting more attached to the paci now that school started
Still no words
Tries to get out of carseat all by himself
Gives great hugs!

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