Saturday, September 3, 2011

Notice a resemblance?

Everyone always compares a child to their parents.  Since birth Nicky came out looking just like Nick.  I just couldn't really see it.  I would smile and nod with everyone but I didn't think he looked like daddy or mommy, he just looked like Nicky.  Now that he is growing into his personality, I am starting to see characteristics.  I've got a couple pictures to compare.  Who do you think he looks like?
Not the best pic to compare


Momma, obviously
 Nick and I were both shy and Nicky acts shy at first with people too.  We all also have a ummmm how should I put this.....lack of hair growth in the beginning. I think his ear's stick out like daddy's, and he has the same wide grin that make his cheeks poof.  Daddy's eyes always seem a little longer than round in pictures, so maybe he has my eyes???  Also we all agree that Nicky and I both have a more oval head than round.  But really, all I get is head shape?

Still this is a fun age to see his personality come through.  He has started being silly at dinner and making faces to make us laugh at the table. (Of course this won't be funny when he is 2 and we are trying to get him to eat his peas) He also loves to smile for the camera and will freeze and cheese whenever the camera is out. Love it!

1 comment:

  1. Your son diffently has your beautiful eyes ans don't forget those long legs!
