Monday, September 19, 2011

Big Boy Catch Up

We've got some catching up to do.  Here are the last updates before I have an 8month old.

We went to a library book sale and cleaned up on the board books.  I wanted to just get books that he could chew on and beat up without ripping.  We ended up with over 100 for just $6!!!
 Nicky also spent a day at Uncle Jeff's house.  He was crazy scared of Uncle Jeff's big dog and ended up waking up Aunt Angela who was supposed to be sleeping before her night shift.
Having some lunch

"I'm outta here"


Playing with some toys
Eating some more

Having a bottle

Checking out the jumper

Jumping around

Napping with my Aunt
Napping again.
 Doesn't Uncle Jeff look super tired???  Nicky was really upset from that scary dog and just wanted to sleep.  I walked in to find him like that, until the dog barked and he started screaming. 

***Note the above pictures were taken by Jeff so I am not liable for unapproved photos

We stopped by to see Grandpa and to have a bottle before hitting the road back home:

Nicky is so good at standing and now can crawl across the room at lighting speed.  Here he was looking at daddy outside mowing the lawn:

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