Thursday, September 8, 2011

Let's Get Dangerous!

This kiddo is now pulling up to stand on EVERYTHING!!!  He is so proud of himself and is going to have awesome biceps because he uses his arms alone to pull up.  Here are some shots from the past few days:
"What? I told you I could do it"

"Ha ha. Nothing is safe anymore!"

The very first time successfully climbing the ottomon

"Oops. Busted"

"If I smile cute she won't be mad about the candle now on the floor"

Trying a different angle. And yes, I see the cords. I was using the computer at the time.
We've managed to get by with very few boo boos.  He just has a few regular kid bruises here and there and a scratch under his chin that is completely fingernail related.  Our biggest challenge was when he started standing up in the crib:
"I'll jump off of here. I'll do it."

So proud of himslef

Plotting his next move

 We promptly lowered the crib to the lowest possible position.  It happens to be waaaay low and now momma has a hard time getting her belly over the railing to get him in there. In another month, I won't be able to do it at all.
"Not cool mom and dad."

Trapped baby

This is much safer
He'll still try though

 ***Shame to anyone judging me for the mismatched outfit. He's a weird size right now

****Kudos to those that got my Darkwing Duck reference in the title


  1. laughed out loud at the standing in the crib pics (& I'm here alone) Just think next year at this time you'll have another one doing this!

  2. He was so proud of himself and next year I'm sure he'll be sneaky and teach his sibling how to climb out!
