Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hey There Sailor

So way back in the 80's Nick Sr. had his picture taken in a sailor suit.  It hangs right inside the door at his parent's house for everyone to see. Let's face it, we have all worn those outfits when we were little that we wonder what our parents were thinking. I'm personally remembering a black and yellow striped dress in first grade that I wore for picture day and everyone called me bumble bee.  Anyway....when Nicky was born Grandma bought him a sailor suit like daddy's.  I finally got around to putting him in it. Here are the pics. He was quite the supermodel with his posing.:

In the beginning it was hilarious

One of my favs


"What? This is how the kids wear it nowadays!"

oops distracted


"hey, what's over there?

"Can I try taking the pictures?"

"Forget this, I"m outta here!"
 And here is daddy circa 1984:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great slide show. That grandson of mine is a real cutie even in a sailor suit.
