Sunday, December 4, 2011

10 months

10 Months Old:
This pictures shows the new serious face he gives with the lips pursed.  He does this all the time in public.  At 10 months:

- Won't smile at first anyway
- Crawls at lightning speed
- Climbs everything!
- Has let go of furniture when he wasn't thinking about it and instantly scared himself
- Not interested in walking when you hold his hands
- Hates his car seat
- Eats everything!  Literally, if it dices, it will be eaten
-Favorite food: cheese cubes, graham crackers, and yogurt
-Least favorite food: blueberries (I think it's the tartness)
- 1 tooth (working on 3 more)
- Loves school (especially gym time)
- Says "mama" "dada" "hey" "hi" "whaddup" (really the last one happened)
- give big wet kisses
- crawls right up to the dogs face and screams "ahhhhh!"
- loves bath time most. Will go to the bathroom and get really mad if you don't turn the water on to start a bath

We are excited to see what month 11 brings.  His first time opening presents and seeing Santa!

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