Thursday, December 29, 2011

Snack bandit

Nicky has learned where the snack cupboard is.  This hasn't been a problem so far because he just pulls out the boxes of nutrigrain bars and shakes them.  I was cleaning up the dining room the other day and heard him in the cupboard.  I walked in to find this:
 Someone found a new part of the shelf.  The bagels!  The best was he was really using his teeth to take bites.
He brought it back to the living room to show daddy

"What? I'm not being naughty"

The second before he found out his was busted
 I tried tying the bag closed, but then Nicky decided to bite through the bag to get the bagels.  He throws everything else in the bread basket down.  Buns...nope. way.  Bagels...that's the stuff!

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