Thursday, December 29, 2011

Baby boot camp

Nicky is getting ready for the 1 year old classroom at school.  This means no more bottles, whole milk instead of formula, and 1 nap a day.  Since I am home this week, I decided to make the transition with me instead of putting his teachers through the torture.  Nicky has actually responded really well.  He is currently only drinking a bottle with half formula half milk when he wakes up and before he goes to bed.  He drinks whole milk from a sippy the rest of the day.  I've been having sippy issues.  He drinks from the cup but the last sip he forgets to close his lips and it all comes spilling out.  I thought maybe he would like the cup with a straw since he loves juice boxes. He hasn't figured out how to work them and since, has done much better with the regular cup.
Picking my favorite cup

Really don't like that straw one

Hmmmmm decisions
All while watching my new truck movie
 Nicky's new schedule is snack at 9:30 with sippy, Lunch at 11, nap from 12-3, snack with sippy at 3. When we head back to school, we'll probably need another snack on the way home since we don't leave until 6.  So far so good!

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