Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas part....what number are we on now?

The last stop on Christmas was Great Grandma's house.  We quickly changed into some jammies because there was so much going on and Nicky was really sleepy from it all. I didn't get many pics because Nicky was with other people most of the time.
The loot

In the middle of chaos

Grandpa did a silly dance with his crazy hat

So sleepy but must see what is happening

Momma was in a lot of pain from baby sissy and was trying to hold it together
 Thanks again to everyone for making Nicky's first Christmas special. He slept the whole way home and it was the first time I got him out of the car seat and into bed without waking up.  He slept all night with his coat still on. How are we going to do this next year with two kids all over everything????

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